Jun 19, 2020
My guests today are Andrew Lo and Jon Gordon.
Andrew is a Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management and director of the MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering. He is the author of Hedge Funds and the coauthor of A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street and The Econometrics of Financial Markets (all Princeton).
Jon is an American author and speaker on the topics of leadership, culture, sales, and teamwork. He has worked with numerous athletic organizations, academic institutions, and corporations. He holds a Bachelor of Science in human ecology from Cornell University and a Master of Arts in teaching from Emory University.
The topic is Jon's book The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy.
In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:
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I’m MICHAEL COVEL, the host of TREND FOLLOWING RADIO, and I’m proud to have delivered 10+ million podcast listens since 2012. Investments, economics, psychology, politics, decision-making, human behavior, entrepreneurship and trend following are all passionately explored and debated on my show.
To start? I’d like to give you a great piece of advice you can use in your life and trading journey… cut your losses! You will find much more about that philosophy here: https://www.trendfollowing.com/trend/
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